
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Grant & Mommy Day | Louisville Zoo

 Howdy Family and Friends! 

It seems like life is so busy these days between my photography buisness being full time (which I absolutely LOVE), school (don't love so, family life, and my favorite subject...Grant at 22 months old. :) It seems like for the last month we haven't had a chance to just have a day out for the two of us. So, I decided to take Friday (July 15) off and have a fun day with Grant at the Louisville Zoo. 

We are Zoo members so we go at least once a month and love it! This trip was no except. It was awesome, but wore us both out! LOL! I believe we spend a little over 4 hours at the zoo exploring everything and also playing at the splash park. :) There was even a brand new baby giraffe to watch and enjoy. :)  

I let Grant lead the if you know a 22 month old... they stop to look at every rock along the way. LOL! What a great reminder to stop and "smell the roses." We all need to slow down and enjoy our little ones more. I'm blessed to be a stay at home mom, but even with that there is little time to have full fun play days in the midst of all the work too. I just wanted to share a few pictures I took during our visit to the zoo. :) I hope that you enjoy! 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fun at the Splash Park with Lukas | Mobile Uploads


We went to the Louisville Zoo Splash Park today with friends! Look at how excited and happy Grant is in this 1st picture! I love it!!


Grant trying to figure out where the water comes from. LOL!


He had just gotten sprayed in the head! LOL!


Lukas (on left in orange) LOVED IT! He would put his face and whole body in the water. We were laughing hysterically at him.


WOOHOO!! Fun Stuff!


One of my best friends, Kristi, at 38 weeks pregnant with her daughter with her 1st born, Lukas, on her lap.


Grant and Lukas looking at the gorilla and the gorilla was looking at them!


Grant was running full speed ahead!


Sweetest Baby giraffe at the zoo!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Grant’s play date with Lilly

DSC_9088 copyGrant checking out the pool!

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Grant carrying Lilly’s play basket!

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Grant as Mr. Bucket Head! LOL!

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Lilly as Miss. Bucket Head! LOL!

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Lilly & Grant having a blast playing in her play house.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Family & Friends! I hope you're having a beautiful morning so far! I've been up since 3am for some reason cleaning! LOL! I believe in taking full advantage of the urge to clean when it happens... about every 3 months. LOL!!! :) 

The Easter bunny has delivered the goodies to our house and I can't wait for Grant to wake up and find them. :) I will post pictures or a video later of Grant with his Easter basket and some from our Easter celebrations. 

Some of you probably don't know if you aren't on my FACEBOOK that Stephen had knee surgery this past Thursday. He's doing well, but can't really get into the Easter fun as much as he would like. I will post more about his surgery later. 

Have a beautiful day! 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Grant's 16 Month Update

Hello Family & Friends! I just wanted to make a quick little blog update. Grant turned 16 months on August 23, 2010! I took him to the doctor on December 28th. His stats: 

Weight: 23lbs. 13oz. (He's in the 30th %tile)
Height: 33.5" (He's in the 97th %tile)

So, you can tell from his stats that he is very tall and skinny. He runs circles around me all of the time...I'm sure that has something to do with his weight. LOL!! The doctor said that he looks great and is growing wonderfully! :) Hooray for good news! is a little picture I took of him this past week. :) 

I hope you have a beautiful day! 

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!! :)

Happy New Year! We hope that you had a wonderful 2010. May 2011 bring you more happiness and joy than you could have ever imagined!


Stephen, Ashley, & Grant

Monday, December 20, 2010

Grant plays as “Baby Jesus” in church play

Grant played as “Baby/Toddler Jesus” in our church play yesterday! :) He was in the end of the play for about. You see Grant enter the stage with “Mary” around 5 min. 15 sec. :) Watch around 8min. 40sec. he tries to run off stage, but I run to get him! LOL!! Sorry the camera is jumping around!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Our Christmas Cards this Year! :)

Merry Montage Christmas
Get custom photo Christmas cards online at
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday to Grant!

39903_531856824601_210002155_31712877_1056600_n 40001_531944952991_210002155_31716375_3775767_n Today we celebrate Grant’s 1st Birthday! It is so hard to believe that it has been a year already! He has changed so much and grown so fast. I think it’s hard to see your babies grow up and you know after the 1st birthday that all of the other ones will come quicker and faster. Grant is such a sweet, funny, handsome, and intelligent little boy. And the list goes on and on… :)

I loved the cuddles when he was a newborn, but these days are so much fun! His 1st word was mum-mum, his 2nd word was dad-dad, and his 3rd word word was book! :) He sat up on his own at 5 months, crawled at 9 months, and started walking at 10 months! Now at 1 year he is starting to run! Of course, we seem to have what seem to be permanent bruises on his head from learning and falling! LOL! Poor baby boy! He keeps us moving and his laugh make my soul smile! I’m so proud to be his mommy!

I wanted to share a video I put together of small clips from throughout his first year of life! I hope that you enjoy it and it will allow you to reflect back on your own little ones if you have them. :)

Happy Birthday, Grant Thomas! You have love from around the world and more than you’ll ever truly understand! :)

Have a beautiful day!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Getting ready for Grant's 1st Birthday Party!

Getting ready for Grant's 1st Birthday Party! 
Party is on: August 21, 2010
We hope that everyone got their invitations a few weeks ago and will be able to join us for Grant's 1st birthday party! It's amazing how fast the 1st year has went. It's sad to see him grow so quickly, but so exciting at the same time to see his funny and wonderful personality come out! :)

The party theme is going to be "UNDER THE SEA!" We've ordered 4 dozen balloons, bought decorations, I've made the centerpieces and other decorations, we've got the list of food and games, etc! It should be a blast! :) Here are a few pictures that we're using as our inspiration for the party! :)