
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Baby's Bedding


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Happy Sunday, Friends! Sorry I don't have a new card for you today. We are getting ready to head up to my Nana's house for the afternoon. I asked her to make her yummy potato soup for me! I LOVE anything potato these days! LOL! I'm 14 weeks pregnant today and happy that things seem to be going perfectly. My mother-in-law even mentioned that I was starting to show some at the party yesterday... which made me extra happy. LOL!! So, I thought I would share with you the bedding that Stephen and I picked out. We LOVE it!! We're both science majors and just love animals. This will work for a boy or a girl and I wanted something a little gender neutral. I've heard of two people in the last 6 months or so... that were told they were having a boy or girl... and the doctors were wrong! I really don't want that to happen and then have everything in pink or blue! Only 5-6 more weeks and we will know if we're having a boy or girl! Can't wait! Well, have a great weekend!!



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